Friday, March 28, 2014

Foster24Ever: A New Foster Progam from Albuquerque's AWD

Hello! I would like to introduce to you the new Foster24Ever program from the Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department.  This is an opportunity to foster mostly ready-to-go pets, work on your dog skills or, as a volunteer, point out those dogs and cats that would be more adoptable if outside the sometimes stressful shelter.  Read on for the details from Bet, our volunteer coordinator.


Thanks to our wonderful foster folks, the
Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department’s
(AWD) has a thriving foster program for our
young kittens and puppies and our animals in
need of a place to recover from surgery or
trauma. To expand our foster program,
AWD’s new Foster24Ever (F24E) Program is
designed to provide an alternative housing
option for shelter animals who are available
for adoption but declining in behavior or not
showing well in the shelter and to transition
these animals into a permanent home … from
foster home to forever home! The F24E
Program will provide continuous support and
resources to both the animals in the F24E Program and the foster persons to ensure a successful
foster relationship and to prepare foster animals for adoption. The support and resources will
include dog training and behavioral assistance, medical care, suggestions for marketing and
promotion on AWD Facebook page, and offsite adoption events for foster animals.

F24E Program animals will be placed in foster care based on priority, and all F24E Program
animals will be spayed or neutered and current on vaccinations. Criteria for placement will
include a behavioral evaluation, length of time in our shelter, acclimation to the shelter
environment, and previous socialization or training. The F24E Program Team will work with the
AWD staff to determine which animals will be eligible for the program. Any staff member or
volunteer may recommend an animal for the F24E Program and can submit a request via email to
the F24E Program Team. The F24E Program Team consists of Bet Lotosky, Foster Program;
Carolyn Hidalgo, Behavior Program; and Mary Soto, Kennel Supervisor. The request should
include the following information:

 Animal’s name and ID number
 Name of volunteer or staff submitting request
 Reasons for consideration
 Types of enrichment, programs, training, or support the animal received in the shelter

All active and approved AWD foster persons are eligible to participate in the F24E Program.
Dogs with behavioral or social issues can benefit tremendously from learning basic canine
citizenship skills, so foster families will arrange for F24E Program dogs to participate in AWD
dog training classes. If a foster dog would benefit from some behavior modification, our
Behavior Program will provide individual training and written details to continue behavior
modification in the foster home. To promote our foster dogs to potential adopters, our F24E
Program dogs will participate in at least one AWD offsite adoption event each month. F24E
Program foster persons will provide monthly status reports to the F24E Program Team to keep 2

staff apprised of the animal’s progress in foster care and the steps taken to help the animal find a
forever home. Progress reports should be emailed to the F24E Program Team and include:

o Assessment of the foster animal’s behavior in the home environment
o Dates of dog training classes attended and basic manners learned
o Behavioral modification progress, if appropriate
o Dates of adoption events attended by foster dogs
o Promotion and marketing used to find an adoptive home

Contact information for the Foster24Ever Program Team:

 Bet Lotosky – Foster Program
 Eastside Shelter
Phone: 505-767-5632

Carolyn Hidalgo – Behavior Program
Westside Shelter
Phone: 505-764-1160

Mary Soto – Kennel Supervisor
Westside Shelter
Phone: 505-768-1947

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