Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Three Musketeers!

It’s the Three Musketeers! Introducing Mia, Manni, and Mulan! Mia is a five year old cat, and Manni and Mulan are 2 years and 5 months male pit/terrier mixes. For each of their stories, read on!

Mia is a spayed domestic shorthair cat. My husband and I took her out the other day to visit and get acquainted. Mia likes to explore and is very nimble. She really enjoyed playing on the cat tower and sniffing around. She has a history of bladder stones which requires a special diet of Hills C/D which is not very expensive and is comparable to Iams cat food. Although this is a health condition, diet is a key to keeping this kitty happy. 

Volunteer Laure has worked with Mia and says that Mia likes to lick people-although she may not do that to everyone. Mia is the type of cat that would love to be in your house with a place to roam and love to share. Cats do not like change, and sometimes they can seem grouchy or indifferent when you meet them. Cats tend to be independent, but once they get used to their new home they can make excellent companion pets. If you are interested in visiting Mia, come to the Eastside Animal Shelter. Her ID# is A0938134. For more pictures of Mia click this link.

Musketeer number 2 is Manni. Manni is a 2 years and 5 month old dog. Although Manni has some pit traits, he does walk with his nose to the ground which is a characteristic of hound dogs.  He has been in foster care and learned to live in a house. He likes big pillows to rest on and a place to run an exercise. He would probably enjoy traveling and the great outdoors with you. From his foster experience, we know that he likes other dogs and is not a couch jumper. 

When I met Manni, he was at Lucky Paws at the Coronado mall in his kennel. Unlike some dogs who jump at you from their kennel, Manni just looked at me with a sweet smile. He was pretty decent on the leash too. Manni is currently located at Lucky Paws at the Coronado. His ID# is A1632679.

Musketeer number 3 is Mulan, also a pit/terrier mix. Mulan has also been in foster care and proven to be a decent house dog. He is a great dog with a big personality. When Mulan saw my camera, he tilted his head, perked up his ears and posed!

Seeing him in his kennel he would put himself right up to the door and look out with his head tilted down and these endearing doggy eyes. Lots of love and fun can be had with Mulan with careful attention given to drawing him out. 

He also seems like the type of dog that would like to go on adventures with his future owners. He is currently located at Lucky Paws at the Coronado Mall with ID# A1629904.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Hello! This is Mike. He is a seven year old smooth coated chihuahua. He has good energy but is pretty calm. A trend I have noticed in the shelter is that the chihuahuas like to be held! When I first met Mike he was being walked on a leash along with another dog Caitlin. He roamed the shelter with the volunteer enjoying his stroll and a chance to stretch his legs. When he came back he was being held and carried.

According to the American Kennel Club, chihuahuas "are alert dogs with terrier-like qualities. They are good with families if the children are gentle and patient." They are intelligent and do not require a lot of excercise. (see for more information) If you are interested in visiting or adopting him, Mike is currently located at the Eastside shelter with ID# A0884471.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Hello! This is Pebbles. Pebbles is a 5 year old female labrador retriever. Volunteer Nathan and I took her out of her kennel last Saturday. Pebbles is a happy dog. She is calm and knows how to sit. We discovered this when I asked Nathan "Does she know how to sit?" When I said "sit," she sat down!

Pebbles also appears to be very house trained. Pebbles does have a slightly crooked knee on the back right leg, but in walking and sitting down she had no problems. She is decently leash trained. She might need a little extra training, but golden retrievers are smart dogs and will be able to learn what you teach them. 

According to the American Kennel Club, golden retrievers are "intelligent and eager to please." They also need plenty of exercise due to their large size. For more information on golden retrievers, visit the AKC website. Pebbles is currently located at the Eastside shelter. Her ID # is A1635126.   

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hi! This is Astea, a male short haired cat. He is about six years old. Astea is what you might call a love bug. He of course came into the little bonding room and sniffed around, but he was very interested in sniffing my hand and getting scratched. 

Astea is very much a lap cat. He is affectionate and calm, and likes to be petted. He is very laid back and would love a soft spot or a lap to relax on. Astea reminds me of the cat I adopted from the shelter. My cat was very affectionate when I met him in the shelter-a good sign that he would be very affectionate and an excellent cat once he got used to our home.

 Astea is currently located at the Eastside shelter. His ID# is A1637441. Be sure to have this number on hand when you call or come for a visit to easily identify him. Astea seems like the type of cat that might hide under the bed when he gets to your house, but after a little bit of time, would warm up nicely and be a fun, loving part of your family and a good lap cat. For some more pictures of Astea, click here